Your donations are 100% tax-deductible and go directly into the hands of the truly needy
Drive-By Do-Gooders is a registered 501c3 Non-Profit Charity funded by donations
Become Monthly Giver
$5 per month
Gives 500 pints of water per year.
$10 per month
Gives 2400 Hygiene Packs per year
$18.00 per month
Helps us buy Tarps for shelter
or a monthly "do good" sustaining member option is also available at:
Your donations are used to:
1: Immediately buy tangible items to alleviate thirst and dirt.
2: Impact young folks in learning how to easily give.
3: Help us fund our Tarp Drive. One 8x10 blue plastic tarp costs about $5.35. Your donation of $500 can give much-needed shelter to about 100 street poor.
4: Put in place a solid foundation to this new grassroots group. We have visions of bringing our cars to all poor areas of Los Angeles and other big cities around America. The street poor you see are Americans. Living in 3rd world conditions.
Homelessness may or may not be by choice. We don't care. We give everyone we meet on drive-by's water, wipes, protein.
No judgment. Just pure giving.
5: Support our efforts to education youth and adults alike on how easy and rewarding it is to give.(instant gratification)
6: Support us in becoming ambassadors in our communities. Set an example of self-less ness by speaking to your school or club. Experience the gratifyng feeling of helping someone, one-on-one
Questions? Ideas? Comments? Please contact us:
Drive-By Do-Gooders is a 501(c)3. All donatons to DBDG are tax deductible.