Six years ago, Marie fled her husband and home.
The lies, beatings and drama forced her escape. Turns out her husband had a secret wife and child.
Marie moved in with her son.
He soon went to jail. Marie was on her own.
She followed advice to move into a shelter. It didn't take long for Marie to learn a street tent was her better, safer option.
We’ve seen Marie every week for many years, always clean, quiet and keeping to herself.
This is Marie's Tent on the outskirts of Skid Row.
For the first time in a long time, she could control her own space.
Every week now, for years, we've stopped, chatted and served Marie.
She's not an addict or mentally ill. She is very very poor. She is a grandmother who has had to fend for herself for years.
In the last months of her street life, she watched a young warehouse party-goer get shot dead, directly across from her tent.
The list of what she’s endured is thick…
Despite that, Marie, or Mommy as we always called her, never failed to bless us and ask us how we were doing, how we were "holding up”.
Here's the good part!
Mommy Marie got housing yesterday! We said our tearful goodbye's.
She is now successfully off the streets and may thrive once again indoors, warm and safe.
We got a call from her recently. Looks like things are looking up. We didn’t get her the house. But we supported her through the journey.
Your giving, even $4 a month, really does help on the ground level, right here in the U.S.
It’s not our job to fix homelessness, nor figure out why it exists. We don’t care, really.
We just want to offer water and hygiene to those who really need it, right now, with no agenda.
Why this matters
Measurable results on Skid Row are hard to quantify. But we see that all of our small gestures help -- for 120 people. Every week.
Tax dollars and big charities work on the big picture.
Drive-By Do-Gooders provides immediate help.
Skid Row has very few toilets for the 11,000 adults living in tents inside of 20 square blocks.
UN Refugee camps in Syria have 96% more toilets than Skid Row, and the streets have no water fountains.
As we drive-by and offer triage, we give not only temporary relief but also and true consistency.
We listen. We build relationships. We care. No Agenda. Just pure giving.
Please donate here: